Late Middle English from compact Latin – “closely related, connected”, from the verb compingere, from com- “together” + pangere “fasting”. A formal agreement or contract between two or more parties. Enter into or enter into (a formal agreement) with one or more other parties. 3Metallurgy Mass of compacted metal powder for sintering. The roads are narrow and the whole village as compact as if it had been built to maintain a siege. 2Twas, which is a small example of a comfortable shape of its kind. Compact and accurate – only 172 pages of text and 23 pages of notes – the book is a model of lucid writing rooted in history. It will quickly become clear that there is no room for a pact with Washington in this star-studded agreement. It wasn`t a long confession, but it was compact and revealing. Spätes 16. From the Latin compactum, past partizip de compacisci, from com- `with` + pacisci `to make an alliance`. Compare with Pact. 2Informic predictive compact Compound or compound of.
The rocks of Erreré are completely different from the rock of the Serra and consist of masses of compact hornblende. Movies are best when they can condense a story to the essentials. Each belt represented a pact, the conditions of which were recalled by the chiefs and warriors of the tribe. 1A small flat case with face powder, a mirror and a powdered glans. The next thing that happened, what was really great, was that the tapes became available on compact discs. 1Power (something) to make it denser; compress. It is worth noting a compact power supply with protective cover. The speculation failed, and your father withdrew from the pact and convinced the other brother to follow his example. .