Split Custody Agreement Sample

Custody and child support are matters under both federal and state law. All states except Massachusetts have passed the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (“UCCJEA”). The UCCJEA requires that custody disputes for a particular child take place in that child`s state of origin, defined as the place where the child lived for six consecutive months prior to the dispute. If a child has not lived in a state for six consecutive months, his or her state of origin is defined as the state with significant ties to the child and at least one parent, as well as substantial evidence of child custody. Once a State takes over the case called a court, it retains control of the case until a court decides that the child no longer has any connection with that State. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter. Any modification or modification of this Agreement must be made in writing and duly signed by both parties. This Agreement is binding on the parties and their heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators. ☐ Shared custody.

The parties agree that it is in the best interests of the minor child for the parties to share parental responsibility. Each Party recognizes that the other Party has the right to participate fully in all important matters related to the education of the minor child, including health, welfare and education. In this sense, the parties agree that they have joint custody of the minor child and that all decisions regarding health, medical and dental care, education, religion, vacation, travel, welfare and other aspects of the minor child`s upbringing will be made on a common basis for decision-making. The best parenting plan for your family depends on factors, such as. B the distance between the two parents and the functioning of the exchange. As a general rule, in cases of joint custody, the goal is to allow each parent to spend the same time with their child(ren) without disturbing the child`s physical and emotional needs. ______ ☐ Regardless of what is contained in this document, the second parent has the right to visit the minor child. The agreement of the parties on the visitation and allocation of time for the minor child is attached as Annex A.

Parents may share custody, or either parent may have sole custody and make all decisions for the child(ren) without consulting the other parent. Custody can be physical, legal, or both. When parents share joint custody, both have a say in important decisions about the child`s life, such as education, religious education, and medical care. When parents have joint custody, their children spend about the same amount of time in each of their homes, although it doesn`t necessarily have to be an exact 50/50 split. You must present it to the court when settling your divorce or custody case. You may be able to submit your own document or you may need to complete certain documents. Review the contractual policies at your location. ____________ E. No alteration of the other parent`s schedule without that parent`s consent.

Neither parent will schedule activities for the children during the parenting time planned by the other parent without the prior consent of the other parent. 2. The parties have joint custody of the children. Both parents allocate physical care, custody and control of children appropriately between them to ensure that children have frequent and ongoing contact with both parents. In sole custody arrangements, parents generally agree that one of them should have exclusive physical and legal custody. States generally approve this agreement when parents deem it best, although many states formally favor joint custody. (Use if only one parent has custody of a minor child) Some of the provisions your agreement should include: Joint custody means that the parents share custody equally. ☐ The first parent has custody. The parties agree that the first parent will have sole custody of the minor child and will freely make all decisions relating to the upbringing of the minor child, including health, medical and dental care, education, religion, vacation, travel and welfare. CONSIDERING that it is the wish and intention of the parties that the custody and custody of the minor child or children be definitively determined by this Agreement. If one of the parents has sole or primary custody of the child or children, provide for the access rights of the other parent. Finally, we decided to avoid the traditional terminology around divorce and children by using terms that more accurately describe the reorganization of our old family into new homes or double households.

Accordingly, we would like to ask our respective lawyers to inform, if necessary, all the courts involved in our dissolution that our wishes regarding the custody and education of our children are as follows. 1. Children: We hereby accept and identify filiation and accept the surname of the children listed below that apply to this Joint Parenting Agreement as follows: Full Name Date of Birth SSN 2. Terminology: To reaffirm our commitment to raising our children in a dual household status, we use the terms “living with the mother” and “living with the father”, to describe our agreement, rather than in terms of custody/primary and non-custody/access as may be defined in other legal documents. ….” Common examples of joint child care education plans include: ☐ Parents share custody on weekends. The first parent has the minor child on the weekend of _______:___ AM/PM on Friday ☐ ☐ Saturday ☐ Sunday to __:_ AM/PM on (Check one) ☐ Friday ☐ Saturday ☐ Sunday. The second parent has the minor child on weekends from ______:__ AM/PM on Friday ☐ ☐ Saturday ☐ Sunday at __:_ AM/PM on (Check one) ☐ Friday ☐ Saturday It is AGREED by all parties that school holidays should not affect the childcare plan or exchange and that the children remain with the parent who currently has custody of them under a joint or shared custody agreement. . . .