In a world of downsizing, automation, and business process outsourcing, a job for life is something my dad talked about. Large corporations, governments and the NGO sector around the world are losing jobs, leading to crushing poverty, extremism and social unrest. INTER-COMPANY SERVICES AGREEMENT This Intra-Company Services Agreement (the Agreement) enters into force [DATE] PREAMBLE WHILE [NAME OF YOUR COMPANY] is a company [SPECIFY INDUSTRY] specializing in [SPECIFY COMPANY SPECIALIZATION]; CONSIDERING that the associated company is an enterprise specialized in [SPECIFY]; CONSIDERING that the Parties and the Company intend to cooperate in the implementation of [SPECIFY PROJECT]; In this Agreement, it has therefore been noted that the Parties, taking into account the premises and other good and valuable considerations, agree as follows: despite generous support for investment in fisheries by governments such as those of the United Kingdom and South Africa, no investment has been made. According to the kpmg study cited above, between 2010 and 2016, 47,000 entrepreneurs worldwide received start-up capital, or less than €60 billion. If solving the problem of allocating resources to organizations with the highest propensity to create jobs was so easy, such intervention would have been regulated by law decades ago by the tax system. Save my name, email address, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked with a *. . . .