Part Time Employment Contract Template Nz

Collective agreements cover similar points to individual agreements, but the terms are agreed between an employer and a union representing a group of workers. Everyone who is a member of this union will have the same agreement, usually with a salary range for different jobs or different levels within the jobs. Permanent full-time: A permanent full-time employee is a person who meets the requirements for full-time hours and does not have a predetermined end date for their employment. Prohibition of solicitation: A non-solicitation clause prevents the employee from encouraging other employees or customers/customers of the employer to switch to another company or service provider. These clauses must also meet certain restrictions to be considered valid and are generally valid for a predetermined period of time (e.B. 2 or 3 years from the end of the employment relationship). 1. Carter is hired to pick apples in an orchard. His employment contract states: Visit our employment contract builder (external link) for standard clauses of things you need to include in employment contracts and standard clauses of things you should or could include in an employment contract. You must always conclude the agreement at the agreed time. If you need to renew it, do so in writing – before the original agreement expires. The template specifies the process for extensions. Yes, but you must ensure that the rates are at least equal to the applicable minimum wage.

This is your responsibility as an employer, and if you fail, there is a possibility of penalties, lawsuits, and payment arrears. The following employment contract templates are provided for the information of the member and without guarantee of suitability for a particular employment relationship. Members should seek legal advice on their specific requirements to ensure that they meet all applicable legal requirements. An employment contract is what employers and employees use to clearly define the rights, duties and obligations of the parties during working hours. Each employee must have a written employment contract. It can be an individual agreement or a collective agreement. All employers must keep a copy of each employee`s employment contract. They can be a great way to get the help you need while remaining flexible, but contracts can be challenging.

2. Debbie, an accountant, works in a medical center as a blanket for someone on sabbatical. Debbie`s employment contract states: Perhaps, if the type of work is such that the job has become permanent rather than temporary. Wendy owns a shop in a busy mall. Wendy has two assistants and needs another. Some of her former assistants have been unreliable, so she is cautious about hiring a permanent employee. She decides to offer a three-month contract in case things don`t work. Non-compete obligation (or non-competition obligation): A non-competition obligation prevents the employee from working for direct competitors of the company during and after the end of his employment relationship.

Non-compete obligations generally apply for a certain period of time after termination and must meet certain requirements to be enforced, e.B. restriction to an appropriate geographic location. David doesn`t have enough employees for work, so he hires three new workers on two-month contracts. He explains the reason for the fixed-term contract to his new employees and writes it into their employment contracts. They know that David cannot guarantee a permanent contract or extra work beyond the two-month mark. Instead, as a company with 19 or fewer employees, Wendy could offer an open-ended contract and plan a trial period. When doing this, Wendy needs to remember: also provide an overview of the days and time periods when they are supposed to work. It may contain information on remuneration (salary), holidays, job description and obligations, probationary periods, confidentiality obligations, dismissal procedures and information about the employee and employer. An employer may terminate his employment relationship with the employee at any time during the probationary period without giving reasons and without severance or severance pay. An individual employment contract is a contract between an employer and an individual employee. The contract details apply only to this employee. Term or term: An employee who has temporary or temporary employment has a pre-agreed end date.

The contract automatically expires on the end date and no notification is required from either party to terminate the employment relationship at that time. Click here for the sample of fixed-term employment contracts (with variable hours) Employees are people who work for a company and receive financial compensation from the employer in exchange for their services. Since there are different types of jobs, you need to make sure that you rank your employees correctly in all the contracts you create with them. Confidentiality clauses can either apply indefinitely (until information about a third party becomes public) or have an expiry date (e.B 2 years after the end of the contract). If shifts can be cancelled or shortened, this must now be indicated in your employment contracts, along with details of the amount that will be terminated and what compensation will be offered. .