Who Signed Namirembe Agreement on Behalf of Buganda Kingdom

The kingdom of Tooro evolved from a dissident segment of Bunyoro some time before the nineteenth century. It was founded in 1830 when Omukama Kaboyo Olimi I, the eldest son of Omukama of Bunyoro Nyamutukura Kyebambe III of Bunyoro, separated and established his own independent kingdom. The basic unit of the Mailo system is one square mile, hence the Mailo derivation, which also corresponds to 640 hectares. The term is used in Uganda to describe a system of land ownership that came into effect when the Kingdom of Buganda signed an agreement with the British-administered Protectorate of Uganda in 1900. The tasks entrusted to the Government of Kabaka are formally defined in a document that will enter into force at the same time as the Agreement Amending or Supplementing the Uganda Agreement of 1900, which will be negotiated after the adoption of the recommendations of this Conference by His Majesty`s Government and the Great Lukiko. Initially, these functions were those currently performed by the Kabaka government, as well as those listed in paragraph 2 of the Memorandum on the Development and Reform of the Constitution in Buganda, issued in March 1953. Local government in the Sazas is the responsibility of the Buganda government with the advice and support of the protectorate government; the situation in municipalities and shopping centres shall be examined in accordance with Article 47. In community development, the Government of Buganda and its officials work in collaboration with the Protectorate`s Community Development Department. The list of functions may be amended at a later date by agreement between the Government of the Protectorate and the Government of Buganda. (iii) Appointments shall be made for ministerial posts in general and not for a specific ministerial function and shall be communicated in writing to the spokesperson no later than the date fixed by the Spokesman on that behalf, signed by the person or persons exercising them. Provided that: I5. On the day set by the Katikiro on this behalf, miruka`s representatives meet in the Saza Council Chamber to elect three of the persons who are running for nomination as representatives to the Electoral College, and this election takes place in the same manner as it is scheduled for the elections of Saza representatives under the Electoral Law. If disagreements between the two governments cannot be resolved through the mechanism of an Advisory Committee, the matter is referred to a joint meeting chaired by the Governor, the members of the Executive Council and the Ministers of Buganda.

Such a meeting must not only take into account the general interests of the Protectorate, but also take full account of the views of Buganda and give them the weight they deserve. Such a meeting may also be convened, if necessary, to resolve any disagreement arising from a response of the Governor to a resolution of the Grand Lukiko, if the matter cannot be settled through the ordinary consultation procedure between the Minister of Buganda concerned and the resident. 39 If there is a disagreement between the Government of the Protectorate and the Government of Kabaka, and such disagreement cannot be resolved by a discussion between the representative of the two Governments, and the Governor is satisfied that the matter affects the interests of peace, order or good government of the Protectorate of Uganda, the Governor may formally advise the Ministers on this matter […].